Spearfish Overwatch - Returning to Work
In our May 2020 Round Table, Spearfish invited a small group of valued clients in the International Development and INGO sectors to discuss their thoughts and concerns about the challenges ahead.
One of the key themes that we discussed was a likely shift towards increased reliance upon local national staff. It’s inevitable that our travel habits will change in the wake of the pandemic, and as such, the way international organisations operate will adapt too. The logistical challenges posed by international travel restrictions and enforced quarantine periods, as well as the impact of increased travel costs, raises the question of how necessary it is to deploy international consultants. Employing teams of local nationals based in-country saves on travel costs and has a considerably lower environmental impact. Organisations should also consider the social and cultural value of employing staff local to the communities in which they operate. But in the wake of Covid-19, we also need to consider the challenges of managing teams remotely, while keeping them safe and delivering on our Duty of Care obligations.
Another recurring theme of our discussion centred around the ‘Do No Harm’ approach to aid and international development. International organisations have an obligation to mitigate the potential damage they may impose upon the communities in which they operate. Amid a global pandemic, the DNH approach is a vital consideration when returning to fieldwork. Organisations must ensure every measure possible is taken to mitigate the risk of viral exposure within the very communities they’re working to protect. Local and national government guidelines must be adhered to, particularly with regard to PPE and social distancing requirements. A comprehensive DNH policy, with regard to Covid-19 specifically, should be incorporated in your ‘Return to Work’ strategy.
An organisation has a Duty of Care to its employees and consultants, both local and international. This is a legal and moral obligation to keep them safe in the workplace, to mitigate their exposure to risk as much as possible, and to ensure they are fully aware of the risks involved in order for them to provide informed consent when returning to work. It’s important that organisations understand the risks involved in allowing their staff to return to work, and do all they can to mitigate those risks. Building a robust ‘Return to Work’ strategy can help.
How Spearfish Can Help
With travel restrictions gradually easing, now is the time for international organisations to consider shaping their strategies, policies, and procedures for returning to work. There are a multitude of factors to consider when making the decision to allow staff to return to the workplace or to resume fieldwork. Have you checked the local authorities’ current regulations and travel restrictions? Are there curfews or mandatory PPE requirements in place? How will you ensure social distancing measures are adhered to? Do your local teams rely on public transport, increasing their risk of exposure to Covid-19? Will there be catering options available for remote teams, and are shops open for basic amenities?
Some of these questions may seem obvious, but organisations must ensure that every employee is aware of the risks involved and what they can do to keep themselves and their team safe. A formal policy document outlining the organisation’s ‘Return to Work’ strategy will help each individual recognise their own role and responsibilities in tackling Covid-19 in the workplace, as well as understanding their rights and what your organisation is doing to protect them.
Spearfish will work with you to understand the unique needs and circumstances of your organisation as you prepare to return to normal operations. We will guide you as you build your strategy for a smooth transition, ensuring you’ve considered every possible risk facing your staff, and advise on how best to mitigate those risks.
If you would like to know about our Return To Work service contact lucyparnell@spear-fish.com.